The Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter



Many of us have returned to work post pandemic only to discover the world has changed. There is a need to build compelling shared work and coherent relationships across our communities, organizations and institutions to generate concrete forward movement. 

The Outside invites you to explore how we engage with each other to deliver results in an increasingly complex and fast paced environment. Along with our extensive global experience, The Outside hosting team includes a founder of the Art of Hosting (AoH), a AoH global steward who centers equity into the practice, a longtime AoH practitioner-scholar and a senior organizational development strategist. You’ll be in good company - join us!

Are you looking to put work back at the centre of your collaborations? Are you looking for meaningful ways to run meetings, events, or long-term change initiatives? 

Are you interested in creating cultures of deep participation, engagement and trust?

Would you like to explore your role as a “host” in conversations, meetings and sessions and develop your participatory leadership skills? 

Would you like to advance your multi-stakeholder project in a collaborative and provocative learning environment?

No matter what sector we work in, what community we live in, or what family we were born into, we are all faced with situations that demand people work together across their differences. The Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter with The Outside (also known as the Art of Participatory Leadership) offers simple yet powerful participatory practices to host generative conversations that can lead to collective action and long lasting change. The Art of Hosting is more than just a training program. These participatory leadership approaches are used in diverse contexts worldwide, scaling from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of ways forward to address complex challenges.


What is the Art of Hosting and Participatory Leadership?
Art of Participatory Leadership (also called “Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter”) is a globally widespread practice of leadership and collaboration. It is maintained by a growing international community and taught in three-day training courses. The groups are made up of people responsible for all sectors, managers of large and small organizations and designers of interdisciplinary collaboration. Check out for more info on the global community.

The purpose of this training is to: 

  • Engage in theory and practice of working with complex challenges;

  • Explore how participatory leadership can be applied in various contexts (organizational, public sector, private sector, education, community);

  • Practice facilitating (hosting) conversations as a powerful leadership competence;

  • Learn participatory methods and tools such as Circle, World Café, Open Space, Chaordic design; 

  • Adopt tools for working with equity, difference, and diversity while holding a participatory lens on leadership and collaboration;

  • Work with questions relevant to your specific context and design your projects where this approach will be applied; and

  • Ignite new relationships and initiatives through becoming a part of a global practitioners’ network.

You will have the opportunity to learn about:

  • Shared Work

  • Chaordic Path and Chaordic Stepping Stones

  • The Diamond of Participation – Divergence- Emergence-Convergence

  • Compelling invitation and design

  • World Café

  • Open Space Technology

  • Circle Practice

  • Knowledge Café

  • Biomimicry for organizational development (a taster)

  • Action Learning and prototyping (a taster)

Throughout these explorations, we will weave in themes and attention to:

  • Listening for the future

  • Working with power (yours and others)

  • Engaging and transforming limiting beliefs

  • Crafting powerful questions

  • Articulating principles of action

“The Outside is invested in optimizing integrity while partnering with clients to realize success. Their commitment to results and equality is fierce and they do it with a rare combination of art (humanity, resonance creativity) and science (building upon best body of knowledge while also creating knowledge). Working with Tuesday and Tim in any capacity brings out the best in others/me.”



Day 1: Wednesday, October 22, 2025
Day 2: Thursday, October 23, 2025
Day 3: Friday, October 24, 2025

Cost: $1,750 USD
Location: Oak Island Resort & Conference Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada

To request payment via invoice, rather than credit card, please contact us HERE to arrange.

*Space is limited to 60 participants

Cost includes registration, meals and non-alcoholic drinks (breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner).

Accommodation and transportation costs are the responsibilities of each participant.

A group rate for rooms is available to participants. Upon completed registration, The Outside will be in contact with you to provide accommodation details and group rate.

Scholarships are available and focused on ensuring the inclusion of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. Considered on a case-by-case basis.

Check out our testimonials page to read what people’s experience has been in working with The Outside.

Cancellation Policy:

  • A complete refund is issued if we can backfill the seat with somebody from the waiting list;

  • Cancellation up to 4 weeks prior to the workshop, without an ability to backfill: USD $580 cancellation fee (one third of the price);

  • Cancellation during the last 4 weeks prior the workshop, without ability to backfill: USD $1,160 cancellation fee (two thirds of the price).