7.11: Outside Tues + Tim - On the journey to Rooted In Light
On today’s episode of the pod, Tuesday shares her new work outside of The Outside focused on personal transformation and spiritual practices. Tim and Tuesday also explore Tues’ journey in creating this new path for herself and others, highlighting the significance of connection, community, and support among women.
Learn more about, and follow, The Outside by visiting and liking all of our channels:
Website: www.findtheoutside.com
Facebook & Instagram: @findtheoutside
Tues’ NEW website: Rooted In Light
Tues’ NEW Podcast (published every other Tuesday): Rooted In Light
Akashic Records with Tuesday
Coaching with Tuesday
Programs & Workshops with Tuesday
Tues’ back pocket wisdom: “Trust, sister, trust. Trust myself, trust the people I love and trust life. There is something trustworthy alongside my own unfolding.”