Start anytime: self-guided learning


SHARED WORK is a multi-layered, nine-part learning experience that puts getting to work back at the centre of our collaborations. Participants receive videos, articles, practical and inspiring resources, and reflection exercises.

This self-led online course can start at your convenience. For more on how shared work methodology has informed our approach to change, check out the blog archive.

LEADING EFFECTIVE MEETINGS is a multi-layered, four-part learning experience that transforms the productivity and engagement of your leadership with videos, articles, resources, reflections, and a community of fellow learners.

This self-led online course can start at your convenience. Check out Tim's blog on Leading meetings that matter, every day for some more on what has inspired us to offer this training.


"Tuesday and Tim are amazing change leaders - singular at cracking open complex systems, ideas, mindsets, beliefs - and highlighting ways to be inclusive, and ways to design programs with that inclusivity top of mind. So many systems need foundational change, not surface look/feel upgrades. Many organizations have been caught in old question paradigms. Tim and Tuesday’s online programs helped our team find questions we needed to ask - the ones that we, unconsciously or consciously, were not examining - which in turn lead us to pivot and develop opportunities for equity and fairness, collaboration, and improved outcomes for our clients through responsive programming."

- Yvette Doucette, Newcomer Orientation Coordinator, PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada